Project / VhlSettings125Khz / ScanCardTypesPart2 Value

Defines a bitsmask that is used by VHLSelect() to restrict the HF-protocols that are polled. This can speed up the scanning. This is an extension to Project/VhlSettings/ScanCardFamilies.



Name Type/Size Description
CardTypes125KhzPart2 Bit mask (16 bits) -
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0xFFE0) Zero padding
Idteck Boolean (bit 0x0010) Idteck
Cotag Boolean (bit 0x0008) Cotag
HidIndalaSecure Boolean (bit 0x0004) Indala ASP+
GProx Boolean (bit 0x0002) G-Prox
SecuraKey Boolean (bit 0x0001) SecuraKey